

di FIT Therapy Technology Academy


The Dr. Enrico Montanari, Medical Doctor Specialist in Clinical Psychology and Medical Doctor Expert in AcupuncturePain Therapy AUSL Bologna and Scientific Director of Elisir di Salute, tells us about the Fibromyalgia, a chronic medical condition characterized by widespread and persistent musculoskeletal pain, accompanied by a range of symptoms such as fatigue, sleep disturbances, muscle stiffness, and cognitive issues. Dr. Montanari also outlines the treatment protocols for this syndrome and shares his professional experience by combining the treatments he uses with patches featuring FIT Therapy Technology.


What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a chronic medical condition characterized by widespread and persistent musculoskeletal pain, accompanied by a range of symptoms such as fatigue, sleep disturbances, muscle stiffness, and cognitive issues. Fibromyalgia is considered a syndrome, which has a higher incidence in women, meaning that it is a collection of symptoms that tend to appear together but does not have a well-defined cause or a clearly associated physical injury.

Fibromyalgia predominantly affects women (15-20 times more than men) and can manifest from the age of 25-30 onwards.


Causes of Fibromyalgia

The exact causes of fibromyalgia are not yet fully understood, but they likely involve a combination of genetic, neurological, hormonal, and environmental factors. The presence of possible viruses or bacterial infections is suspected. The diagnosis of fibromyalgia is primarily based on the patient’s symptoms and the presence of specific tender points when pressure is applied to certain areas of the body.



The typical symptoms of fibromyalgia include:

  1. Widespread pain: Muscle and joint pain is widespread and can vary in intensity.
  2. Fatigue: Patients with fibromyalgia often report a strong sense of tiredness even after rest.
  3. Sleep disturbances: Many people with fibromyalgia experience sleep problems, including frequent waking during the night and non-restorative sleep.
  4. Cognitive symptoms: These can include difficulties with concentration, memory problems, and mental confusion.
  5. Sensitivity to tender points: Patients with fibromyalgia often report specific tender points when pressure is applied to certain areas of the body.


FIT Therapy Technology and treatment protocols.

Dr. Montanari uses the acupuncture technique combined with supplements. He also recommends moderate physical activity and relaxing techniques such as yoga. In addition to acupuncture, he uses the massage technique on the areas affected by pain.

In recent years, by prescribing FIT Therapy patches, he has found an increased benefit in patients: this is because the pain felt by fibromyalgia patients has a muscular nature related to microcirculatory distress. The patch should be placed on the Tender Points, i.e. specific points on the body whose pressure causes pain.


Representation of Tender Points

The FIT Therapy patch, thanks to its technology, is able to drain and improve the toxicity caused by the production of acidosis within the muscle.

Prolonging the treatment for 20 to 30 days results in a significant reduction of acidosis and toxicity of the tissues with considerable patient satisfaction.

It is advisable to apply the FIT Therapy Patch Universal at the points indicated in the illustration. The application is also recommended to be carried out by a professional, in order to correctly identify painful Tender Points.


Join the free webinar dedicated to fibromyalgia
Click on the button below and fill in the form to register!
Giovedì 23 Novembre 2023 – ore 19,30
Thursday 30 November 2023 – 7.30 p.m.



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