They work!

At first, like many, I was sceptical, the way I see it, the only therapies that really work are laser or Tecar sessions with specialists, BUT, I thought, if the scientific theory on which these patches are based works, I will save time and hundreds of euros in expensive therapies; so I said to myself, for 10€ let’s try it, it might be worth it.
Well, I can tell you that it is apparently worth it.
I have been suffering from epitrochleitis (inflammation of a tendon in my elbow) for at least 10 months (tendon inflammations are hard to heal unless treated with state-of-the-art techniques such as lasera). Wearing this patch in the evening, the next day my pain was almost gone, to quantify the result I would say 70% better on the first day. You keep it on your arm for five days, even in the shower it doesn’t go away.